Amazon follows the principle of “buyers first”, so sellers will face various return issues: buyers who have just placed an order and found that they bought the wrong product and want to return it; buyers who have not signed for the product on the way want to return it; buyers who have just signed for the product want to return it again; buyers who have used the product for half a year want to return it.

Various return issues make sellers worry, but they still have to face them. If the seller handles it improperly, it may attract bad reviews and A-t0-Z, which is not worth the loss. So, how can sellers properly handle this kind of return and refund problem? First, let’s understand Amazon’s return policy.

Amazon’s return policy is very relaxed. In terms of return time, Amazon has different requirements for products in different categories. In most cases, for products in ordinary categories, buyers can request to return the goods within 30 days of receiving the goods; if the buyer still initiates a return application after more than 30 days, if it is an FBA delivery order, Amazon will handle exceptions one by one to ensure an excellent buyer experience, and generally accept the buyer’s return request. In other words, Amazon will handle the return issues caused by FBA shipments, and the seller does not need to do it by himself; if there is a return issue for self-delivered orders, the seller needs to handle it by himself. Since Amazon’s policy does not explicitly require sellers to return goods to buyers after 30 days, sellers can handle return issues based on specific circumstances.