Fill in More Details
(1) Name and Name (Malay)
For product names of each category, please refer to the product naming guide. Electronics and Home Appliances categories must be named according to the guide.
(2) Product Description and Product Description (Malay)
Product descriptions must use complete sentences that conform to English grammar and be neatly formatted. Click “Image” to insert an image link. After inserting a valid link, the image will appear immediately. Click “IFrame” to insert a video embed link in the product description.
(3) Highlights
The selling points must be 3 to 6 points; each point can only contain 60 English characters; they must be arranged in dots (click “Insert/Remove Inserted List”).
(4) Video URL
Must use the embed link; copy the video link with the word “embed” after “sre=”; it will be displayed below the image after successful upload.
(5) Warranty Type
Warranty type is a required field; cross-border sellers can only select “No Warranty”, and the rest of the fields do not need to be filled in.