If the store’s avatar and all products in the store have the “Preferred” logo, the seller is a preferred seller.
Only when all indicators meet certain standards, a store can have the “Preferred” logo. These standards include order volume, number of customers, order incomplete rate, late shipment rate, chat response rate, etc. This means that the product quality of this store is more trustworthy and the service is better.
If there is a “Preferred” logo, the product pictures are more recognizable than those of other stores, making it easier to attract buyers immediately, which will help improve the conversion rate of the product; and in the preferred seller’s In the store, buyers can use accumulated Shopee coins to deduct the shopping amount. Shopee coins are equivalent to gold coins in Taobao. Buyers can obtain them through daily check-in, completing orders, marketing reward activities, and product evaluations that meet certain standards.
What kind of store can have the “Preferred” logo? Each site’s standards are different.