When sellers operate new products, it is inevitable that buyers will leave 1-star or 2-star negative reviews. No matter how good the quality of the products sold, negative reviews are inevitable. Buyers who leave negative reviews must be dissatisfied with the product or the seller’s service. Think back to how you would react if you encountered a bad product when shopping on Taobao or Tmall.

As a seller, when you encounter a negative review, you must contact the buyer as soon as possible to deal with the problem. Only by getting the other party’s understanding at the first time can the buyer delete the negative review. Even high-quality service can allow the buyer to delete the negative review. Change negative reviews to positive reviews.

Since November 2017, Amazon has blocked all buyer information. The user name is inconsistent with the buyer’s real name. In this way, sellers cannot find buyers who have left negative reviews, and sellers cannot use manual Method or use tools to search for negative reviews. An effective method is introduced below.

In the past, you could use tools to find BuverID directly, but now that Amazon has blocked BuverID, you can’t find the buyer’s account. We want to find out the Buyer ID by sending an email to the buyer. After sending the email, there will be a sending record in the “Buyer Message” in the backend of the Seller Center. Through this record, you can view the source code to find the Buyer ID and find the order.

The steps are as follows.

The first step is to collect Reviewer ID. This step is the same as what everyone is familiar with before. Through the name link of the negative review buyer, enter the profile page of the reviewer. Copy and paste the image link to get the Reviewer ID.

The second step is to send emails to users who have purchased the product.

This is the most critical step in finding negative reviews. By sending a group email to Amazon buyers, after the email is successfully sent, the Buyer ID of each order will appear.

The third step is to match the Buyer ID one by one in the Seller Center backend. After the email is sent successfully, you can view all sent messages in the “Buyer Message” in the Seller Center backend. These messages contain the Buyer ID. Then through the source code of the “Buyer Message”, you only need to collect the Match the Review ID of the negative review with the buyer ID here.

Use the Ctrl+F key combination to search. If the match is successful, it will be highlighted so that you can see the buyer’s email address.

Then, you can find the corresponding Order ID (order number) and contact the buyer to discuss how to resolve the negative review. If there is no corresponding Order ID, click “Next Page” to continue searching.

It should be noted here that if the time between the buyer placing an order and leaving a comment is too long, the buyer’s contact information may not be found.

For example, buyer A purchased your product in January but left a negative review in March. When you use this method to send an email to a buyer who placed an order in March, because buyer A placed an order in January, you may not have sent an email to buyer A, so you will not be able to find anyone who left a negative review. A buyer’s contact information.