Many new sellers do not fully understand the basic functions of Amazon’s backend. After registering an account, they do not know that there is a dedicated customer service in China. China’s exclusive customer service is a localized customer service team specially equipped for China Shijia during the process of Amazon opening stores around the world. It provides seller support services such as emails, online chats, and phone calls on working days, so it is also called the Chinese seller support team. The office of China’s exclusive customer service is located in Beijing, so the calls received by sellers usually start with the 010 area code and sometimes show a US phone number. Its role is to solve various problems of sellers in the operation process. When many new sellers encounter difficulties, they ask everywhere on WeChat and QQ. In fact, most problems can be solved well at China’s exclusive customer service, and since it is official customer service, there will be no mistakes. The steps to contact dedicated customer service in China are as follows.
Open the Seller Center backend and click “Help” in the upper right corner.
One thing to note here is that you must wait until all the backend pages of the Seller Center are loaded before proceeding, otherwise other introduction pages will appear after clicking “Help”
Then, click “Contact” “We”, you can use the search box to search for the content you want to query, and supports search in English and Chinese. After clicking “Contact Us”, you will reach the page to contact China’s exclusive customer service. You can select the corresponding question option and click “I want to open a store”.
There are usually three ways here: email, phone, and chat. Sellers can choose the phone method, which is more efficient and faster. If your problem is complex and requires a lot of information to be submitted, choose to express it more clearly via email, and China’s dedicated customer service will call you directly to communicate. You can also try chatting.
It needs to be explained here that Amazon accounts need to pay monthly rent, and the monthly rent is more than 200 yuan/month. Therefore, sellers should boldly and diligently contact China’s dedicated customer service when encountering problems.