The management process has four steps, namely order import, order allocation, order placement and inventory maintenance. These four steps are irreversible and have a sequential relationship.

9.3.1 Order import

When e-commerce companies obtain orders from platforms such as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, and Wish, they will automatically import platform orders into the management system through the official API interface of the platform, so that we can carry out follow-up work according to the order requirements.

9.3.2 Order allocation

Access to the mainstream international logistics channels on the market, through user-defined allocation rules, all orders are automatically allocated to the corresponding warehouse for distribution, and the corresponding logistics obtains the delivery bill and tracking number according to the relevant logistics rules.

9.3.3 Order placement

Orders automatically obtain logistics information and generate delivery bills and tracking numbers according to the rules, and the picking information is also printed synchronously with the delivery bill; for simple packages (packages containing only one item in an order), you can scan the goods and issue the delivery bill.

9.3.4 Inventory Maintenance

The system platform will automatically maintain inventory based on order delivery status, taking into account information such as inventory and average daily sales on the upcoming date, and combining these factors with the procurement cycle to automatically generate procurement recommendations.