Everyone has a different experience with a product, so it is not certain whether a buyer will leave a good or bad review. Just like buying things online, for some products that you are not satisfied with and find it troublesome to return, just let it go. Many people will not specifically comment. If you receive a call or text message from the seller urging you to leave a review at this time, you may give a bad review or complain about the product.
The same is true for emailing to request reviews, which may have the opposite effect. Some sellers have encountered very good buyers who urged them to leave a review, and they also helped the seller to promote, while some sellers are not so lucky. Sending emails to buyers to request reviews may also result in a refund. It may be that the seller sent the email at an inappropriate time, or the buyer may not have received the product at all. When the buyer sees that the seller is urging him to leave a review before he has received the product, he may feel disgusted and click on the return button directly.
The time to send the email should be selected carefully to ensure that the seller has received the product, and do not send emails to buyers who have recently purchased the product. You can appropriately request reviews from buyers who have purchased the product a long time ago, which is less likely to cause returns.