Selling products on Cdiscount is a potential opportunity, but first, you need to understand how to upload products manually. Like other e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Cdiscount also provides the option to manually upload products. Below, we will explain in detail how to manually upload products on Cdiscount.

Step 1: Log in to Cdiscount Seller Center.

First, you need to log in to Cdiscount Seller Center. Under “Produit”, find the option “Vendre un product unitairement”.

Step 2: Product creation options.

Once you enter the product upload page, you will see the following three product creation options:

Vendre des products en masse: Create products in bulk

Créez un product: Create a single product

Finalisez vos products: Complete the product (if you have listed some products but have not yet completed them, you can find them here and continue to list them)

Note: If you want to share, you need to use the EAN code or Cdiscount SKU to search for the desired product.

Step 3: Specific procedures for listing.

Enter the product creation page through “Create a product” or “Create a new product”.

a. In the “par mot clé” position, you can enter the product name to search for related product categories (please note: use the product name in all uppercase letters to search).

b. In “par navigation”, you can manually select the category that suits the product.

Then, click “VALIDER” to continue.

Fill in the product-related information:

a. Votre référence: This is the name given to the product by the seller.

b. EAN/Code-barre: EAN code.

c. Title of product: Product title. The recommended writing method is: brand + main product keywords + product attributes (such as color and material).

d. Marque: Product brand. If there is a product brand, it needs to be filed in the background.

e. Descriptif de produit: Product description (please note that it cannot be formatted like Amazon, but can be summarized in one concise sentence).

f. Visuel Principal du produit: Product main picture, you can use a URL or upload a product picture directly.

g. If you need to make a URL yourself, you can use Alibaba Cloud OSS image storage function.

h. Description marketing: Market description, which needs to be formatted in HTML and can include the product’s material, color, packaging information and product type (must be written in French).

i. Visuel produit 2, Visuel produit 3, Visuel produit 4: Other pictures displayed on the product page, at least 500px on each side.

j. Couleurs: Available colors for the product.

k. Couleur principal: Main color.

l. Licence: Product certification.

m. Commentaire: Comment information, such as delivery time, packaging appearance, whether assembly is required, etc.

n. Type de public: Target audience.

o. Genre: Gender (optional).

p. Sport: Sports category (optional).

q. Avertissement: Tips, including important matters, such as whether it needs to be delivered upstairs, whether it is dangerous goods, etc.

r. Sauvegarder le brouillon: Save the draft.

s. Create the product: Create the product.

Step 4: Fill in the product price and delivery method.

In this step, you need to fill in the product price and delivery method information, or return to the first step to enter the EAN code.

Fill in the product SKU created in the previous step in “votre référence”.

Sous état du product: Select the product condition, usually “Neuf-Neuf” (new).

Stock déclaré: the stock quantity of the FBM product.

Prix (TTC): the price including tax.

TVA: VAT, usually 20%.

Montant éco-part: tax on electronic products.

Montant DEA: tax on household goods.

Unité de conditionnement: the unit of measurement of the product packaging information, such as cubic meters or square meters.

Conditionnement du produit: the numerical value of the product packaging information.

Commentaire sur l'offre: comments related to the order, such as delivery time, packaging, etc.

Prix de référence (prix barré): the recommended retail price of the product.

Offre publication/site: if you have a CdiscountPro store, you can choose to list your products on both stores at the same time. If not, only choose the Cdiscount store.

Step 5: Business settings.

Commercial Merchandising: Set promotions, including short-term promotions and discounts.

Short-term promotions: Lasts for 72 hours, you can set your own discounts.

Lesolde: It will only be displayed at a specific time.

Préparation de la commande: Set the delivery time, usually set to 3 days, because the company has overseas warehouses.

Livraison: Whether to charge customers additional shipping costs, if not, fill in 0.00.

Fonction de négociation commerciale:

S'aligner systématiquement sur le prix le plus bas: Actively match a lower selling price.

Prix planner: The lowest price.

Through this tutorial, you now understand how to manually upload products on Cdiscount. This is a powerful sales platform that can help sellers expand their market and increase sales opportunities. Remember to carefully fill in each field during the product upload process to ensure the accuracy and attractiveness of the product information.