After the ad is published, after 24 to 48 hours of running, the Facebook Ad Manager will display the relevant data about the ad.

There are three drop-down menus in the upper right corner of Facebook’s Ad Manager. The first drop-down menu is the ad’s performance data, and the second drop-down menu is the segmented data of the ad’s target group characteristics.

1. Ad Performance Data

In the ad’s performance data drop-down menu, you can see a series of related indicators. According to the type of indicator, Facebook divides them into several categories. Click the corresponding category to see the corresponding data.

(1) Performance category.

This category shows the overall performance of the ad. You can see the total number of conversions, number of people covered, number of impressions, cost per result, number of link clicks, return on advertising spend (ROAS), etc. brought by the ad during the selected period.

The most important indicator for measuring an ad is the return on advertising spend. In layman’s terms, it is the sales that can be generated by $1 of advertising. Therefore, the higher the return on advertising spend, the smaller the proportion of advertising expenses. For example, if the cost per result (single advertising cost) is $10 and the ROAS of the ad is 1.8, the advertising fee accounts for 55.55%, which means that as long as the purchase cost + logistics cost of the product accounts for less than 44.44% of the product price, the profit brought to the company by this ad is positive (Note: a relatively rough calculation method is adopted here, omitting the return and exchange costs and operating costs, etc.).

In actual operation, the proportion of all other costs can be calculated based on historical data, and the remaining is the proportion of advertising fees. Then, as long as the proportion of advertising fees is kept below this proportion during the advertising process, the overall profit will be made.

(2) Display category (Delivery).

This category displays the data of the ad delivery, among which two data indicators are more important.

·Frequency: Frequency = number of impressions / number of people covered. Under normal circumstances, this data should be less than or equal to 2. If the frequency exceeds 2, it means that the target group has basically seen the ad more than twice. Seeing the same ad many times will make the target group bored. Therefore, if the data exceeds 2, the ad needs to change the creative or target group.

·Cost per thousand impressions (CPM): It means the cost of showing the ad 1,000 times. This value will affect the number of people covered by the ad, which will further affect the number of conversions. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on this indicator during the ad delivery process.

(3) Engagement category.

This category shows the degree of interaction of the target group with the ad post. The interaction here includes comments, likes, favorites, shares, clicks on links, etc. The higher the degree of interaction and the more frequent the interactions, the more popular the ad is.

2. Segmentation of ad target group characteristics

In the column of segmentation of ad target group characteristics, Facebook divides it into three categories: time, delivery, and operation. Each category is divided into multiple dimensions. For example, time data is divided into dimensions such as specified date, week, 2 weeks, month, etc. Click the corresponding category to see the corresponding data.

In the delivery category, you can view the characteristics of the advertising target group by age, gender, country/region, region, multimedia material type, platform and device, so as to analyze which target group the advertisement is more attractive to, and determine whether the target group feedback during the advertising delivery period is consistent with the established target group of the advertisement, so as to adjust and optimize the advertisement.