The bullet points on Amazon are the key features of the products sold by the seller, that is, the key points of the product that attract buyers at first glance and make them decide to browse and learn more about the product.

Amazon product information has a direct impact on product rankings, is an important factor affecting customer orders, and plays an important role in Amazon’s search results. Therefore, when optimizing product information, Amazon sellers should pay attention to the optimization of bullet points.

(1) Content of bullet points

The bullet points of Amazon products have a total of 5 lines, each line is separated by a “.”, and are mainly used to list the main selling points of the product, including product size, product function, product characteristics and advantages, shipping time (fill in if there is a time advantage), and use (such as being a gift for a certain holiday, etc.).

In short, the bullet points should list the issues that buyers may be concerned about and the unique selling points of the product, and must pay attention to highlighting the strengths and avoiding the weaknesses.

(2) Amazon’s regulations on Bullet Points

① Sellers can list the Bullet Points of a product under the product title to show buyers the importance and advantages of the product.

② When filling in the Bullet Points field on the Amazon backend, you can see a line, which is the number of Bullet Points written by Amazon, in total. Some special categories may have other quantity requirements.

③ The Bullet Points field can contain 100,500 characters.