Store performance violations refer to violations caused by poor store performance indicators. Performance indicators are behavioral codes set for third-party sellers. Amazon uses these indicators to distinguish between good and bad sellers. Understanding what Amazon store performance indicators include and how to deal with them will help sellers better operate Amazon stores.
Store performance indicators can be viewed under the “Account Status” sub-tab, mainly including buyer service performance and delivery performance.
(1) Buyer service performance
Buyer service performance is mainly ODR (Order Defect Rate).
ODR is the main reference standard for Amazon to close seller stores. If ODR exceeds 1.19%, Amazon will immediately close the seller’s store. ODR mainly includes negative feedback, Amazon Marketplace Transaction Guarantee claims, and credit card chargeback claims.
① Negative feedback
Negative feedback refers to the bad reviews given to sellers by buyers. Sellers should promptly handle after-sales issues to avoid the increase of negative feedback.
②Amazon Marketplace Transaction Guarantee Claim
Sellers should be aware that Amazon Marketplace Transaction Guarantee Claim (A-to-Z) has a significant impact on ODR, even if it is cancelled.
③Credit Card Chargeback Claim
For credit card chargeback claims, sellers should promptly negotiate with relevant banks to resolve the issue, but this aspect has the least impact on ODR.
(2) Delivery Performance
Delivery performance mainly includes late shipment rate, pre-delivery cancellation rate and effective tracking rate.
①Late shipment refers to the seller delaying shipment or forgetting to notify the buyer and provide the waybill number after shipment. When this happens, Amazon will consider that the seller has not shipped the goods in a timely manner. The late shipment rate cannot be higher than 4%.
②Pre-delivery cancellation refers to the buyer canceling the order before the seller ships the relevant order. The pre-delivery cancellation rate cannot be higher than 2.5%.
③Effective tracking rate refers to the indicator that the goods can be effectively tracked after the seller ships, and this indicator cannot be lower than 95%.