eBay reports users who violate intellectual property protection terms:
(1) If you believe you have reasonable grounds to report others for using your images or texts, please contact eBay to report.
(2) If you are the intellectual property owner, you can also choose to report to Verified eBay Rights Owner (VeRO).
(3) If you are not the original creator of the image or text, you may consider contacting the copyright owner directly to report. When reporting, please refer to the following standards:
① Make sure you are the original owner and creator of the image or text;
If reporting text, the copied text should be in the item description. Due to the limited space for the title and subtitle of the item description, the same products may be similar, so eBay generally does not delete items with similar titles and subtitles;
③ Provide the item number in your account, which can clearly show that you are the first to use the image or text you created to publish an item. If you reuse your own images and texts in many items, please provide the item number of the earliest use of these images and texts as much as possible.