Amazon has zero tolerance for the sale of counterfeit goods. Products sold on Amazon must be genuine. If Amazon finds that a seller is selling counterfeit products, Amazon will directly remove the product and remove the seller’s sales rights without the need for complaints from relevant rights holders. After the sales rights are removed, the seller can appeal to Amazon. Amazon generally requires submission of invoices, authorization letters and other documents to ensure that the product is genuine before it can be restored to the shelves. If the Amazon system does not find it, as long as it receives complaints from relevant rights holders, Amazon will remove the product within 24 hours and even block the account, but the seller can appeal.
If the seller infringes on the intellectual property rights of others, the platform may delete the relevant product information, or suspend or cancel the sales rights. Sellers are responsible for ensuring that the products they provide are legal and that they have obtained relevant sales or resale authorizations. If Amazon believes that the content of the product detail page or product information is prohibited, suspected of being illegal or inappropriate, it may be deleted or modified without prior notice. Amazon reserves the right to determine whether the content is appropriate. Amazon complies with the notice and removal process of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and will suspend the sales rights of sellers who repeatedly infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.