Indicators related to transactions
①Browse order conversion rate: the ratio of the number of buyers who placed orders without duplication to the number of shop visitors during the statistical period.
②Number of orders placed: the number of orders placed on the same day in US time.
③Number of buyers who placed orders: the number of buyers who placed orders without duplication during the statistical period, with deduplication by day.
④Conversion rate of old buyers who browsed orders: the number of old buyers who placed orders without duplication during the statistical period/the number of shop visitors. Old buyers refer to buyers who have previously made payments in this store.
⑤Number of paid orders: the number of successfully paid orders on the same day in US time, including orders paid on the same day as the previous order.
⑥Amount paid: the amount of successfully paid orders on the same day in US time, including orders paid on the same day as the previous order.
⑦Amount refunded: the amount of orders confirmed to be refunded during the statistical period.
8Number of risk control orders: the number of orders closed due to risk control during the statistical period.
@Amount of risk control: the amount of orders closed due to risk control during the statistical period.
@0 Average order value: transaction amount/number of transaction users. Average order value can reflect the value of each transaction user of the store. The higher the average order value, the more conducive it is to improving the store’s performance.