The seller initially selects the panties subcategory, i.e. shorts, through the selection expert. There are many styles of shorts, and it is necessary to further determine which style of women’s shorts is more popular. Which tool does the seller need to use?
[Required preparation]
The store has been registered and passed the certification, and the subcategory selection has been completed.
[Operation skills]
1. Analyze the hot-selling attributes.
To select which panties are better, you can use the two tools “TOP hot-selling attributes” and “Hot-selling attribute combination” to determine.
2. Use pivot table analysis.
First download the original data.
Convert the data in the table into numbers, insert the pivot table, select the entire table area in the pop-up dialog box, and then click the “OK” button.
In the next pop-up window, check the “Attribute name”, “Attribute value” and “Transaction index” options. Then the detailed transaction index analysis data will appear.
The pivot table can help us sort and summarize the data, and finally get the products with hot-selling attributes. By selecting all the attributes with the highest transaction index, we can get the best-selling products in the panties category. Black, red, and white lace shorts are more popular.