After new sellers put their products on the shelves, because they are new products, the weight of the products is not high, the exposure is not enough, there is no sales volume, and there is even no shopping cart. Many new sellers will choose to use fake orders to encourage the listing to get the shopping cart and leave the first wave of reviews.

There are many ways to fake orders: some sellers find fake order companies to do it for them; some sellers set low discounts; some sellers choose to register virtual Amazon buyer accounts to buy products and operate the fake order process themselves, but this method of operation has a high risk of being blocked. Some sellers post fake review posts on social media to attract foreign buyers to act as customers, conduct real transactions, and then return the money privately. Although the risk of this method is relatively low, frequent advertising posts on Facebook can easily lead to Facebook accounts being blocked, and there is also the possibility of encountering Amazon’s “undercover” on Facebook.

Fake orders can indeed push down bad reviews, but don’t have 10 good reviews for every 10 fake orders, which will be detected by Amazon. Sellers must control the rate of leaving reviews, because Amazon evaluates whether buyers and sellers have engaged in fake orders based on data such as buyers’ search habits, historical purchase records of buyer IDs, rate of leaving reviews, and habits of leaving reviews.

If Amazon discovers fake orders, it will delete the reviews at the least and freeze the account at the worst. As long as there is fake orders, there is a risk of account suspension. Sellers must act cautiously and must not frequently place fake orders for the sake of good reviews. If sellers must use fake orders, they must control the operation time, quantity, and rate of leaving reviews. Otherwise, once the account is frozen, the responsibility for appeal still falls on the seller himself. In fact, the key is to have a good product. Fake orders are just a means that a store needs at a certain period of time and should not be used frequently.