Amazon stipulates that the product title created by the seller cannot exceed 200 characters (including spaces); when creating a title for a combination set, the seller needs to indicate the word “Bundle” in the title, as well as how many products are in the combination and what products are included. The reference title format is as follows.

Format 1: “Bundle” + combination quantity + product.

For example, Bundle-3 items; Tot Bag, Knit Sear and Gloves-Blue, which means a 3-piece combination set; a large tote bag, a knit scarf and blue gloves.

Format 2: Main Product Title+“Bundle with"+ Bundle Component Product Tile(s), i.e. main product title+“Bundle with”+ combined component product title.

For example, Kodak EasyShare C143 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with Rechargeable Bat-teries and Carying Case-Blue. That is, Kodak EasyShare C143 12 mp digital camera, rechargeable battery and transport case combination set, blue.

Format 3: Main Product Title+“Bundle with" + Bundle Component Summary+“ ×ltems”. That is, the main product title + “Bundle with” + bundle overview + the most.

For example, Yamaha PAC112J Sunburst Guitar Bundle with Bag, Stand and Accessories (11 Items), that is, Yamaha PAC112J Sunburst guitar, bag, stand and accessories bundle (11 items).

About the return and exchange policy of the bundle

The products in the bundle are of different categories, and each product has a different return policy. If the seller sells in bundles, when the buyer needs to return or exchange the products, the whole bundle must be returned together, and no single product in the bundle must be returned or exchanged. Therefore, sellers need to consider carefully before selling, and it is not advisable to put products with very different return policies in the same bundle.