Q: Can sellers become registered accounts if they do not have a VAT number?

A: Yes. Sellers only need to provide company or individual business license information.

Q: Does Zando have any restrictions on product categories?

A: Yes. Only products in categories such as shoes, clothing, accessories, beauty and personal care, and home furnishing can be sold on the platform.

Q: How do sellers solve logistics and delivery after receiving orders?

A: After receiving orders, sellers need to ship products to Zando warehouses as soon as possible. The platform will repackage and ship the products and then deliver them to customers.

Q: How do sellers receive payments?

A: After the order is completed, the platform will deposit the transaction amount directly into the seller’s bank account through electronic transfer within 15 days.

Q: After completing the platform registration, when can sellers list products?

A: On the Zando registration platform, sellers can list products when all required documents have been verified. Sellers must have at least 10 product information before they can start selling, and the recommended retail price is as low as R140 (140 South African rand).

Q: Given that e-commerce in Africa is still immature, can the Zando platform provide fraud protection?

A: Yes. The Zando platform is currently responsible for all payment fraud and helps sellers eliminate fraudulent orders for products.

Q: What is the return process on the Zando platform?

A: The buyer initiates a return application. After the platform successfully reviews it, the buyer sends the product to the Zando warehouse, and the platform sends the product back to the seller. The entire cycle is generally 14 days.