A European account had information association problems when registering, and Amazon removed the account permissions. We have prepared the corresponding information proof documents, including IP address, credit card bills, utility bills, etc., and attached a PofA (Plan of Action). The content of the email is as follows for your reference:

Dear Seller Performance Team,

I am appealing the removal of my selling privileges, which occurred afer I expanded into EU marketplaces and failed to pass the initial verification. Please review my plan below.

Root cause of the suspension:

1. My selling privileges were removed right after I expanded into EU marketplaces because I didn’t supply the documents that exactly match the name on Seller Central.

2. I have reviewed all the information and now I can provide documents that exactly match the details on Seller Central.

Actions taken to resolve issues:

I solved the problems with my account by submitting the following:

1. I am submitting a utility bill dated with in the last 90 days.

2. I can verify there is a current and valid credit card on file.

Steps taken to prevent issues in the future:

I have formulated and implemented the following plan of action in order to ensure that I do not violate Amazon’s selling policies now or in the future All of these steps have been reviewed with my team:

1. To address the issues raised, I have carefully read and understood my business solutions agreement with Amazon and Amazon’s policies, paying careful attention to Amazon’s anti-counterfeiting policy and intellectual property policy. I have studied the prohíbited sellerb activities, as well as product detail page rules and condition guidelines in Seller Central help. My team and I will carefully examine each and every Amazon Listing, including images, to make sure that each product I am selling is authentic, authorized, compatible, and matches exactly the product being depicted in the Listing in every way, and does not violate any copyright, trademark or trade name of any third parties, and I will monitor the Listings on a regular basis to ensure that they are always accurate and complete.Any products that do not match the Listing in every respect will be deleted from inventory.

2. I have reviewed and will regularly monitor Amazon’s content guidelines for any changes to make sure I am operating within those guidelines.

3. In the event I am unsure of any item I may chooe to list for sale on Amazon.com , we will contact Amazon Seller Support for confirmation before Listing it for sale.

4. I will respond immediately, in no case more than 24 hours, to all customer inquiries and refund and all return requests will be honored before any matters progress to AZ claims, and will provide excellent customer service and communication in order that each customer has a good shopping experience on Amazon and is satisfied with the products I offer.

5. I will monitor customer returns and complaints on any products, as well as customer reviews on products I offer, as a quality control measure, to provide a good customer experience,I will promptly replace or refund any products in response to any customer complaints. Any products that appear to create a poor customer experience will be withdrawn from my inventory.

I have educated myself on Amazon’s policies and put sufficient business procedures into place to comply with your policies. Please reinstate my selling privileges.

Thank you for your consideration,


Merchant ID: A179IV8MAA9DATC