Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) is a program of Amazon Logistics (FBA). It is worth noting that MCF orders come from the seller’s own website or other platforms, not the Amazon platform. Since MCF orders are executed outside of Amazon, even if they have similar speeds to Prime, the shipping fees paid by buyers are determined by the seller.

With MCF, sellers can use tools in their seller account to create multi-channel shipments, send them to Amazon, submit orders for Amazon to deliver, and manage customer service. Through multi-channel delivery, sellers can scale their business and properly handle the surge in orders during the peak sales season, while also providing buyers with next-day and two-day delivery services. However, for sellers, omni-channel MCF delivery has the following main advantages:

1. Fast delivery: Merchants can complete orders 7 days a week, including 1-day, 2-day, and 3-5 business day delivery.

2. Advance delivery commitment: To increase sales conversion rates, merchants can display delivery commitments at checkout to inform customers when they will receive their orders.

3. Preferential prices: With MCF, merchants only need to pay for fulfillment and storage, and no peak service fees are charged. The allocated costs fully include pickup, packaging and shipping costs.

4. Simple operation: Automated inventory management allows companies to bring products closer to customers and expand scale to meet seasonal peaks without increasing fixed costs.

5. Customized freight rate rules: Merchants have full control over customers’ shipping costs and replace them with a flat price or free shipping option (for example, free shipping when the order exceeds $49).

6. Fully tracked orders: In order to let customers understand every stage of transportation, sellers can easily share shipping confirmation and tracking details of any carrier.

In addition, Amazon announced that multi-channel delivery MCF will be integrated with BigCommerce, and sellers on this platform will also be able to complete orders through MCF at that time.