When wish sellers open a store on the platform, they need to be reviewed by the platform, and sellers also need to check the review status in a timely manner. So how do you know the review status of your Wish store? This will be introduced in detail below.
Generally, wish sellers can check the review status in the seller’s backend. Sellers can go to the “Store Settings” page and choose to enter the “Audit Progress” page to learn about the progress of the store review and Approval Status. If the seller’s store does not pass the review, he or she needs to resubmit the application according to the platform’s requirements and wait for the review results.
In addition, if the seller wants to know the review status of the Wish store, or has questions about the review status of the store, he can also contact the customer service of the Wish platform to inquire about the review status. Generally speaking, wish customer service will provide sellers with various help and answer questions. Sellers can contact the platform customer service through “Contact Us” on the platform’s official website.
Generally, the review time for corporate sellers’ stores is three working days, while the review time for individual sellers’ stores is seven to fifteen working days. In addition, the seller’s products may be reviewed within a few hours. Passed, but some products may require a month or two to be reviewed.
Sellers need to prepare all the information required by the platform in advance before reviewing their store, including business license, ID card, email address, payment account number and mobile phone number. The wish platform stipulates that only one store can be opened with one set of information, and if the seller’s ID card is used to open a personal store, he cannot register a corporate store. Wish stipulates that one IP address can only be logged into one account. If the seller’s IP is logged into multiple accounts, the platform will consider it as a multi-account operation and may be banned. Sellers need to pay attention to the authenticity and validity of the store information. The platform will review the store information filled in by the seller. For example, the business address needs to be accurate, otherwise it will be returned by the platform.
The above content has introduced in detail how to understand the review status of Wish stores. When the store is being reviewed, sellers need to pay attention to check the review status in a timely manner. If the review does not pass, they can apply for another review in time. The seller submits The information needs to comply with the requirements and regulations of the platform.