For AliExpress sellers, in the daily operation of the store, they still need to focus on the ranking of products, because only when the ranking data is well displayed can the store be better protected. Overall order conversion volume. In this regard, let’s take a look at how AliExpress analyzes product rankings and what factors will affect the rankings.

1. How does AliExpress analyze product rankings?

In fact, for sellers, if they want to analyze the ranking of products, they can record the overall ranking data through active search. After having a certain amount of data support, they can comprehensively analysis.

Of course, if you feel that manual search is more cumbersome, you can also use some third-party data analysis tools to achieve ranking analysis, but you must know how to choose professional and reliable tools. Only in this way can you achieve ranking analysis. More accurate data can be obtained, and the analysis of such data is meaningful.

2. What factors will affect ranking?

1. Title.

When consumers search for the products they want through keywords on the AliExpress platform, the matching degree between the title and the search terms has the greatest weight, so the matching degree between the title and the keywords will still be in It greatly affects the ranking of products.

2. Store praise rate.

If a store’s praise rate is lower than 95%, the products of this store will still not have a good performance in the ranking. Therefore, once such a situation occurs, the seller must carry out timely optimization. Only then.

3. Store service points.

If the service score is usually higher than good, there will still be a good exposure. If the exposure is guaranteed, the ranking of the product will naturally improve. Therefore, sellers need to be relatively perfect in all aspects such as service and delivery.

After reading the above introduction, I believe everyone will have a clearer understanding of how AliExpress analyzes product rankings and some of the influencing factors of rankings. If you are in the daily store If you find that the ranking of a product is not ideal during the business process, you must pay attention to timely adjustments and optimizations.