Some sellers said that they received an email from Amazon. The email said that due to the surge in product orders, the sales permission of the account is now suspended. The seller needs to find the account through a complaint based on the relevant information mentioned in the email, so We can find that a surge in Amazon product sales can also lead to accounts being blocked. Why?

Getting Amazon product sales is the goal of sellers opening a store on Amazon. Of course, if the seller’s product sales are not good, the platform will not give the account a high weight, but what many sellers do not expect is that if the sales surge, the account will be suspended. why?

For the Amazon platform, what they pursue is to bring the best shopping experience to consumers. Only through a good shopping experience can they have more loyal users. For sellers on the platform, although most sellers are normal sellers, there are still some deceptive sellers who sell by making money.

Obviously, this will affect the reputation of the Amazon platform and bring a bad shopping experience to consumers. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Amazon also pays great attention to the sales of everyone’s products. For those accounts that suddenly increase orders, the increased orders do not match historical sales, or the reviews do not match the sales volume, the sales permission is suspended due to a surge in sales.

Such judgments will also occur during holidays, so for cross-border e-commerce sellers, we know very well that due to different holidays at home and abroad, sellers should still pay great attention to their stores during some domestic holidays. product sales, because foreign consumers will still shop during National Day and Spring Festival holidays, they will still inquire about related products, they will still complain, and the platform will still punish some illegal accounts.

So, if Amazon product sales surge and accounts are banned, how can sellers recover their accounts?

As mentioned above, Amazon will tell sellers in the email that they can have their selling privileges restored by making a complaint. Of course, in complaints, sellers mainly need to explain why orders have surged. Specifically, Amazon wants sellers to provide: business development time, monthly sales, whether products are sold elsewhere, and recent product delivery information.

For sellers, the most important thing is to explain from these perspectives, for example, their products have recently undergone promotions, their operations have changed experience operations, their products are seasonal products, and now ‘Tis the season to sell products, and of course, it’s best to provide recent product distribution information to prove that their products are selling.

This is the case on Amazon when a surge in product sales leads to account suspension. Therefore, for sellers, when paying attention to product sales, they should pay attention to orders and whether there is any problem with fraudulent orders. We should know that if the order is suddenly brushed up by others, there will also be headlines due to the surge in sales. Of course, sellers must promptly pay attention to those maliciously swiped behaviors and provide timely feedback to avoid suspending the sales authority of the account due to this problem. I hope the above content is helpful to sellers.