Many new sellers are unclear about the delivery process of the Wish platform. If timeliness cannot be guaranteed, the goods may be returned. Paying close attention to the delivery steps of the Wish platform can reduce this situation with a high probability.
After the seller has a new order, he needs to log in to the Wish merchant platform, enter the mailbox and find the delivery reminder sent by the platform to the seller. If there is a red prompt, it means that there is a new order that has not been processed. At this time, the seller will It is necessary to process and browse order information in a timely manner, contact users, edit consumers’ specific shipping addresses, and mark goods for shipment. The platform stipulates that payment will be automatically refunded if the goods are not shipped for more than five days, so sellers must ensure that goods can be shipped in time. You can always pay attention to logistics trends to ensure that goods can be sent out and avoid high return and refund rates.
When there are multiple orders that need to be marked for shipment, the seller can actually mark multiple orders as shipped at one time, and then choose to ship them together. First, the seller needs to click “Delivery Selected Products” on the unprocessed order page, and then fill in the specific shipping address and information for multiple orders one by one. After confirming that the delivery address is correct, you can click “Delivery for all”, which saves the seller a lot. of time and energy. If the seller’s product sales are high and a large number of orders need to be processed at one time, the seller needs to use a CSV file to ship the goods in batches. The seller has a large volume of goods and needs to create a CSV file in advance when shipping, and then select it from the navigation bar in the platform. Enter the order and complete the CSV file. This requires that the file must contain all order information that the seller is operating at one time, otherwise it is easy to miss the shipment. When uploading batch files, the file needs to contain the ID and logistics shipper of each order. After the file is successfully uploaded, the order information will be reflected on the wish platform. Then after the seller clicks submit, the information files can be imported in batches to On the wish platform, after completing these operations, the seller needs to further confirm and find the completion status in the order to see if the information is complete to ensure that all the goods can be sent out at once.
The most important logistics on the Wish platform is Wish Mail. If sellers want to deliver goods in a timely manner, in addition to using the logistics of the platform itself, if they have the need and the strength, they can also choose a suitable overseas warehouse to cooperate with, which can be very convenient. To a large extent, it helps sellers save logistics costs and improve delivery efficiency. This is a very beneficial choice for sellers’ stores with good profits and high sales.