Selling counterfeit goods is a very serious issue on Amazon. Once a customer complains about selling counterfeit goods, the possibility of the account being closed is extremely high. Because Amazon has “zero tolerance” for this kind of behavior, sellers should not sell fake goods on Amazon. However, some sellers clearly do not sell fake goods, but only sell products produced by their own factories. They will also encounter situations where Amazon closes their stores for selling fake goods. What is the reason for this?

Most of the time this happens because the product does not match the description. Most of the reasons why many customers complain that the product is fake are not really determined that the product is fake, and they are not that professional. , and it is often just because the product does not meet his psychological expectations or the seller exaggerates when describing the product, and there are functions that may misunderstand the customer and that the product does not have.

For example, electronic display products involve concepts such as high definition and standard definition. If the seller writes the resolution of the product from standard definition to high definition, and the customer is not satisfied, of course they will complain. If you don’t meet the standards you mentioned, aren’t you just selling fakes?

If this problem occurs, how should we solve it? To untie the bell, one must tie the bell. When this kind of problem occurs, the first step for the seller is to communicate well with the customer. Being able to obtain the customer’s understanding and let the customer withdraw the complaint is a step that is very beneficial to the seller’s complaint. If the customer withdraws the complaint and the seller discloses the withdrawal information to Amazon, Amazon will quickly pass the seller’s review. However, when reviewing such issues, Amazon usually needs to provide invoices. Amazon has clear requirements for the invoices provided.

First, what needs to be provided is a machine-printed ordinary VAT invoice; second, the number of SKUs reflected on the invoice is preferably more than three, and the total number of invoices is preferably more than three; third, the invoice The products displayed must include products that Amazon raises doubts about; fourth, the quantity of purchased products should be greater than or equal to the total quantity sold by the seller within 90 days plus the sum of all FBA inventory quantities; fifth, the purchaser of the invoice must be consistent with Amazon The registered company name must be consistent; sixth, the invoicing time must be earlier than the start of sales, otherwise “additional issuance” must be marked on the invoice.

Two points need to be noted here: first, the invoice must be authentic and verifiable on the tax bureau website, and Amazon will check it; second, the invoice amount can be arbitrarily obscured.

At this time, the seller can respond to the lawsuit. Generally speaking, in this case, Amazon will proactively ask the seller to provide information. When responding to the appeal, all the seller needs to do is to prepare all the information and submit it to Amazon, and submit the seller’s plan at the same time. The seller’s plan must be: first, understand Amazon’s rules clearly, hire professionals to thoroughly check all product descriptions, and resolve all possible misunderstandings at once; second, remove all problematic products from the shelves; third , send a survey letter to all customers who have purchased the product, asking whether the customer has any problems while using the product. If there are any product problems, a 100% full refund will be provided; finally, the supplier will be changed.

Note: If it is a manufacturer, you should write “We have added a dedicated quality control team.”

In addition, for customers who have complained, if the problem has been solved as described above, the seller must submit the emails exchanged with the customer to Amazon. If it is still in the process of being resolved, the seller should speed up the resolution of the problem. If you have not received a reply from the customer yet, if the customer does not reply after a certain period of time, you should receive a 100% refund. Finally, for this batch of problematic products, all products should be removed from the shelves in a timely manner and all inventory should be destroyed. At the same time, if the goods do not use FBA, you should start using FBA for shipment immediately.

This appeal mode is limited to misunderstandings caused by customers’ lack of understanding of the product. If you really sold fake goods and your store was closed by Amazon, I’m sorry, but there is nothing to say in this situation.