Free Shipping is set by the seller. After a single order meets the set free shipping threshold, the seller will bear the final shipping fee that the buyer needs to pay. It is a promotional tool that stimulates buyers to put together orders to increase the amount of a single order. You can set a certain amount of free shipping or a certain amount of free shipping. After setting free shipping, there will be a green car at the front desk to display free shipping.

(1) Select the “Free Shipping” option in the marketing section to enter the Free Shipping display page.

(2) In the free shipping display page, click the “Price List” link to view the shipping costs in each region, and click the “Create

New Promotion” button to create a new package mail.

(3) Fill in the information as required and click the “Submit” button to submit.

Apply free shipping settings to the entire store: Select the “Apply to the entire store” option, and then click the “Submit” button.

Free shipping applied to special products: Select the “Specific Product (SKU Level)” option, click the “Publish Product” button, select the product, and click the “Submit” button to submit.

Tip: The upper limit of subsidy for a single order is the maximum free shipping amount of an order.

Example: The postage for an order is 5 yuan, and the seller sets the free shipping limit to 4 yuan. Then the seller pays 4 yuan for postage and the buyer pays 1 yuan for postage. If the postage of the order does not reach the upper limit set by the seller, all postage will be paid by the seller.