(1) View by coupon type.

(2) Select a time in the upper right corner to view the overall performance indicators of the seller’s coupons (check √ to view one indicator at a time). Hover your cursor over each indicator to see its explanation.

?The number of coupons collected (Voucher Collected): the number of coupons that have been collected

?The number of coupons used (Voucher Redeemed): the number of coupons that have been used

? Number of paying buyers (Buyers): the number of customers who have used coupons

? Payment amount of coupon orders (Redeemed Revenue): related sales of used coupons

?Discount amount (Discount Cost): Discount amount of used coupons

?ROI: Return on investment =Redeemed Revenue / Discount Cost =Related sales of used coupons/Used discounts (the discount amount of the coupon)

(3) Performance of each coupon (check √, view up to 5 indicators at a time).

?The number of coupons issued (Voucher Issued): the total number of coupons

?The number of coupons received (Voucher Collected): the number of coupons that have been collected

?The number of coupons used (Voucher Redccmed): the number of coupons that have been used

?The collection rate (Collected Rate): the number of coupons that have been collected/the total number of coupons


?Usage rate (Redeemed Rate): the number of coupons that have been used/the number of coupons that have been collected

?Coupon order payment amount (Redcemed Revenue): the number of coupons that have been used Related sales

? Discount Cost: The discount amount that has used the coupon

? Number of paying buyers (Buyers): The number of customers who have used the coupon


?ROI: Return on investment = Redeemed Revenue / Discount Cost =Related sales of used coupons/Discount amount of used coupons

4. Name of each coupon, effective date

There are usually several situations in the setting of coupons. One is that the threshold for setting coupons is too high, such as a full discount. The unit price of the store’s products is not high, but the design is 50% off for a purchase of 499 yuan or more. Yuan, such a coupon will not be used even if someone collects it; the second is that the number of coupons is set too small, and they are collected in a short period of time without the merchant himself knowing; the third is the coupon time Set a timeout so that the merchant does not know when the coupon expires. The above three situations are the three most common mistakes made by merchants in the process of designing coupons. Please pay attention to them.

(1)Overall Performance, select the time in the upper right corner to view the overall performance indicators of the seller’s coupons (check √, view up to 5 indicators at a time).

? Payment amount (Revenue): the total sales generated by the free shipping tool

? Number of paid buyers (Buyers): the total number of customers who placed orders using the free shipping tool< /p>

?ROI:Revenue/Shipping Cost=Sales/Amount of free shipping borne by the seller

?Number of payment orders (Orders): Number of orders using free shipping

?Revenue per Buyer: the consumption amount of each customer

?Shipping Cost: the amount of free shipping borne by the seller

(2) Overall performance of the promotion ( Performance by Promotion), hover the cursor over each indicator to view the explanation of the indicator (check √, view up to 5 indicators at a time).

? Payment amount (Revenue): the total sales generated by the free shipping tool

? Number of paid buyers (Buyers): the total number of customers who placed orders using the free shipping tool< /p>

? Number of paid orders (Orders): the number of orders using free shipping

? Shipping Cost (Shipping Cost): the amount of free shipping borne by the seller

? Budget (Budget); free shipping amount budget

? Revenue per Buyer: the consumption amount of each customer

(1) Overall Performance. Select a time in the upper right corner to view the overall performance indicators of multiple items and multiple discounts (check √ to view up to 5 indicators at a time).

?Payment amount (Revenue): the total sales brought about by multi-piece discounts

?Paying buyers (Buyers): the total customers who placed orders using multi-piece discounts Number

?(ROI:Revenue/Discount Cost=sales/discount amount borne by the seller

?Number of payment orders (Orders); number of orders using multi-item multi-discount


?Per capita payment amount (Revenue per Buyer): the consumption amount of each customer

?Discount amount (Discount Cost): the amount of multiple discounts borne by the seller

(2) Performance by Promotion (check √, view up to 5 indicators at a time)