Color refers to the main color of the product. The color needs to be matched and selected according to the color categories provided by Wish. Wish supports more than 1,200 colors. Merchants cannot use colors that Wish does not support, nor can they customize colors. Wish provides more commonly used color categories.

If the color you want is not available in the commonly used color categories, you can enter the English word for the color in the input box of the “Other” option to search for the associated color category. If the color you want is not available in the prompt box, you can find a similar color to use.


?Color is not a required option. If the product does not need to use color, you can leave it blank.

?The Multicolor option is applicable to a single product with multiple colors. If the product itself has multiple colors, select one of the more easily distinguishable colors as the main color.


Size refers to the specifications of products, including men’s clothing, women’s clothing, baby/children’s clothing, baby/children’s shoes, additional clothing, numbers, bras, men’s shoes, women’s shoes, universal shoe sizes, MacBooks, smartphones/tablets, gaming devices, headphones, bedding, memory sticks, area, length, volume, voltage, wattage, weight, shape, electrical plugs, men’s suits and dresses, and other 27 options.

Take women’s dresses in women’s clothing as an example, the sizes include XXS~XXL and other sizes. Merchants can choose the corresponding size according to their product specifications.