If Amazon finds that a seller has used the wrong variant, it will first issue a warning to inform the seller that they have corrected the problem with your listing, but Amazon sometimes skips the warning step and directly blocks the listing.

If you continue to abuse ASIN or ASIN variations, Amazon will suspend your Sell Plus account. You can also file an appeal, but if Amazon does not accept your appeal, the account may be permanently closed.

Therefore, sellers cannot ignore Amazon’s warnings. They will let you find problems and correct errors in time to avoid website closure or account suspension.

What are the effects of multiple variations on products?

1. Improve product ranking. On Amazon, there are more product attributes that have changed than those that have not changed. To a certain extent, it will increase the exposure of the product, thereby increasing the ranking of the product.

2. Maximize buyer reviews. Amazon will merge similar products into a main product interface. If there are 5 products on your listing, Amazon will integrate the main interface of these products to satisfy all consumers. When users search for such products, Amazon will prioritize showing your products to consumers because your listings contain a lot of information, and listings with a lot of information will be ranked before listings with less information.

3. Improve purchase conversion rate. Traffic is an indispensable resource for products. Variants can give consumers more choices, which can attract different consumers to a certain extent and bring more traffic to products. At the same time, variants can also increase the time consumers stay on the product page. With every extra second of browsing, the chance of purchase will also increase.

4. If your listing is out of stock or censored for some reason, with little traffic and it is difficult to improve its ranking, you can make a new listing with a brand new listing, then merge it into a variant, adjust the previous listing inventory to zero, and then start pushing it as a new product. Because reviews and Q&A have been accumulated, it is easy to get on the new product list. When using this method, it should be noted that it is best if the two listings are similar products, otherwise the reviews will not meet the requirements.

Advertising variant ASINs not only gives shoppers more choices, increases their page dwell time, and helps them buy the products they want in the shortest possible time, but also helps sellers promote new products, test new products, and promote slow-moving products.