First, Amazon does not automatically notify sellers when this happens, so it is not easy to find that your product is restricted. It is recommended that sellers check the shelves regularly for restrictions to solve the problem.
1. How to check.
Navigate to the “Inventory” button under the “Manage Inventory” button in Seller Central (Amazon Seller Centralm). If there are any restrictions at present, you will immediately see a “Restrictions” button in the top navigation pane. If there are no listings for this issue, this button will not appear.
If the product is restricted from listing, this problem can be better solved by fixing the listing. Buyers generally cannot see the restricted listings, and the sales volume is zero during the suspension period. Therefore, it is very important to solve them quickly and decisively.
2. Things to note when listing products on the shelves
1. Do not include anything in the title that may be considered promotional information. This violates Amazon’s rules and may result in the suspension of the account.
2. Do not place specific information on the detail page. The product detail page is used by all sellers who sell a specific product. Therefore, any specific information (price, conditions, etc.) must be added during the product creation process. ).
3. Do not add any links to your own website in the product listing. Amazon strictly prohibits this because they believe that the platform provides you with a large consumer group.
4. Do not include any promotional information in the product image. For example, the product name cannot contain any promotional information (such as “sale” or “20% off”. Don’t ignore the points provided by Amazon in your product listing. You can use these 5 keywords consisting of 100 characters to describe the product. This will help attract customers to buy your product.
Restricted listings may have an impact on sellers’ sales, reputation and profits, so sellers need to regularly check whether they have restricted listings and fix them.