1. Determine the test population

You need to select a portion of your target population as the test population. Regardless of the demographic characteristics of your target population, it is recommended to test at least 25,000 email addresses. The test campaign must be large enough to draw conclusions about whether the campaign is successful. Testing less than 25,000 email addresses is not enough for you to judge whether the marketing campaign is working. Email marketing usually works best when it is marketed to a large number of people. The wider the target population, the more responses you can get.

2. Test budget

When you test an email marketing campaign, you need to prepare enough budget to make the entire test campaign meaningful. It is recommended to allocate a budget of US$5,000 to US$25,000 for each independent test. The higher the test budget, the more convincing the results will be and the closer they will be to real results.

In addition, it is recommended to conduct multiple tests, with a minimum of 4 to 8 repetitions, to help you understand whether the promotional materials are good enough and let you know whether the email marketing campaign is good enough. Testing a marketing campaign multiple times can help you understand many different situations, such as trying different promotional texts, understanding the responses of people with different demographic characteristics, and knowing when emails will receive the most responses. It is recommended to divide the total test budget into several equal small budgets so that multiple tests can be conducted.

3. Test email promotional materials

It is recommended to test the effectiveness of email titles and email content, and prepare multiple versions for each element. Control other variables in each test, such as keeping the title, first sentence, picture, and background color unchanged, and test the effects of different versions of email text content. 4. Test the sending schedule

For cross-border e-commerce B2C, the time to send emails mainly depends on the situation of the target population, and it depends on when these people are most likely to read their private emails. The key to testing the sending schedule is experimentation. Every time you conduct an email marketing campaign, you must think about when to send the email to get the best results. You can try to send emails on different days (such as Monday, Friday, Saturday) and times, and then find the best sending time through summary.