It is no longer surprising that social media is used for marketing, and community marketing with the help of social platforms also brings more convenience to cross-border e-commerce network marketing. For example, in the future, cross-border e-commerce companies can realize group management of fans, classify different types of customers, and then apply different marketing content, methods, strategies, etc. to achieve more accurate marketing. In addition, group marketing divides the marketing work, assigns marketing service personnel one-to-one, and advances the marketing work to a more refined level to meet the personalized needs of different types of customers. However, community marketing is not as simple as pulling a group of people into a group and then sending marketing content to the group. Many companies have invested human, financial and other resources, but with little effect. Cross-border e-commerce companies need to be clear about the following issues when doing community marketing.
What kind of content do fans like?
Content is very important for community marketing. In other words, why do fans in the community stay here willingly? What valuable things can this community provide for fans? Whether it is entertainment, learning, communication, or the integration of interests between fans, in short, in this community, fans can get valuable things and have a sense of dependence on the community, which is the primary prerequisite for the success of community marketing. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and analyze your fans, know what kind of content fans like, what categories these fans can be divided into, and what kind of marketing strategies can be implemented respectively.
Is there a marketing content plan?
Content is very important for community marketing. The content of community marketing is not what you think of today and what you think of tomorrow. If the community marketing content is not planned and designed in advance, it is difficult to form valuable, attractive and sticky content. Therefore, it is necessary to make a good overall plan for community marketing content. While chasing hot spots and catering to festivals, it is necessary to keep the content style consistent with brand concepts and values, and maintain consistency and unity in time.
How to interact with fans
In community marketing, the interaction between cross-border e-commerce companies and fans is an important means to maintain community activity and long-term relationships with fans. Therefore, when companies use community content promotion activities, they must pay special attention to the interactivity of the content or form, and effectively use calls to action to encourage fans to like, share, click on links, etc. Whether it is to establish a free product giveaway competition, or to use the opportunity to win a free product as an inducement, inviting fans to share content and links to expand the scope of marketing content and increase interactivity, these are all ways that can be tried.
How to track fans and measure results
In community marketing, using fan feedback data and effect data to analyze, and then summarize and improve, is an important measure for community marketing activities to maintain their vitality. Through the use of some tracking tools, fans’ online behaviors are recorded, especially on mainstream social media platforms. Companies can also obtain these materials and analyze their data through third-party analysis platforms, so that they can understand which content is effective and which is less effective, and then adjust the subsequent content strategy to meet the interests of fans, improve their stickiness and loyalty in the community, and reversely guide marketing behaviors based on the result data to achieve precision marketing, personalized marketing, etc., and further improve conversion rates.