For operations, customer service work requires not only communication with buyers, but also communication with Amazon. Amazon evaluates sellers through customer service performance, product policy compliance, and delivery performance to judge the quality of sellers. When there is a problem with store performance, Amazon will send performance notifications to buyers, commonly known as “little red flags.”

Performance notifications mainly involve issues such as customer service performance, policy compliance, and delivery performance. In performance notifications, except for the fact that the advertising function is not activated and there is no need to rush to deal with it, other problems are often more serious, which can easily cause ASIN to stop selling, the store to lose some permissions, or be directly closed. Therefore, operations need to pay attention to store performance every day. Once a small red flag is found, it is necessary to follow up and solve it in time to avoid negative impact on the account. Once a store is closed, it is necessary to appeal to the Amazon Seller Performance Team based on the specific reasons. In addition to acknowledging the real cause of the problem, a detailed action plan, namely POA (Plan of Action), must be attached to have a chance to regain the store sales authority.