Product nouns mainly describe content related to products, including Listing, ASIN, Review, Feedback variants, BUYBOX, FBA, and FBA front-end. The specific introduction is as follows.

1. Listing

Listing is the product display page, which is mainly used to display the product’s function introduction, description pictures, etc. for buyers to browse.


ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is translated as Amazon Standard Identification Number. It is an alphanumeric combination randomly generated by Amazon for products. It is a special coding identifier for products. Each product has a different ASIN code.

3. Review

Review is translated as comments, which refers to the buyer’s evaluation of the product itself, and does not involve logistics and service quality. Buyers who have purchased products on Amazon and whose shopping amount reaches a certain requirement can comment.

4. Feedback

Feedback is translated as feedback, which refers to the buyer’s feedback evaluation on the order, involving order-related factors such as products, logistics, and customer service. Only buyers who have completed the product order can comment, and an order can only be commented once. Feedback will affect the seller’s ODR.

5. Variants

Variants refer to multiple product specifications in a product listing page, which are mainly used to associate products with the same basic attributes but different in one or more key attributes (such as size, color). For example, a buyer who wants to search for short-sleeved shirts may view three sizes (small, medium, large) and three colors (yellow, red, white) of a short-sleeved shirt on the product listing page. Then this group of short-sleeved shirts is a variant, and the size and color of the product are the variant relationship.


BUYBOX is the gold shopping cart (buy button), which is the most convenient shopping location for buyers. Amazon will evaluate seller performance based on many factors, and only qualified sellers’ products are eligible to compete and obtain BUYBOX. On the Amazon platform, not every seller’s product has a separate listing, but all the same products are collected into one listing for buyers to choose. For example, if Mr. Li, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Liu are all selling product A, then the product listing pages of these three sellers will be merged together. If Mr. Li obtains BUYBOX, his Listing page will be displayed first in the collection page of product A for buyers to view and purchase.

7. FBA

FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is translated as “fulfilled by Amazon”, which means that Amazon provides sellers with high-standard logistics services, including warehousing, picking, packaging, distribution, customer service and returns. The seller’s goods are sent to the Amazon warehouse, and the Amazon warehouse provides logistics services for the seller, and then the seller pays Amazon the relevant logistics fees.

8. FBA first leg

FBA first leg refers to the transportation process of goods from domestic to foreign Amazon warehouses after the seller uses FBA. Sellers can use domestic logistics service providers to deliver goods to the Amazon FBA warehouse of the site they have opened, and domestic logistics service providers will provide a series of value-added services such as customs clearance and tax payment. For example, Dasenlin Logistics, Jiufang Tongxun Logistics, etc. can provide sellers with FBA first leg services.