If intellectual property infringement occurs during the operation of a store, the seller’s response steps mainly include finding the cause, contacting the intellectual property owner, requesting a withdrawal of the complaint, and appealing against the violation.

(1) Finding the cause

After the store has infringed, the seller should browse some of Amazon’s relevant policies on intellectual property, and then find the information about the products or listing pages that infringe the intellectual property according to the policies.

(2) Contacting the intellectual property owner

Contact the intellectual property owner and talk to him/her directly. Generally, the intellectual property owner is easier to communicate with than a lawyer. If the intellectual property owner cannot be found, contact the legal representative mentioned in the Amazon account suspension notification email.

(3) Requesting a withdrawal of the complaint

The seller can provide the intellectual property owner with a list of suppliers and supporting documents such as the contract terms with him/her, and request the intellectual property owner or agent to withdraw the complaint. If the intellectual property owner or his/her agent does not respond, ask a lawyer to help deal with it.

(4) Appealing against the violation

If the complaint is not withdrawn, the seller can remove or clean up all inventory products that caused the Amazon account to be suspended and the products that are prohibited from being sold on the platform. Then submit to Amazon a detailed list of steps you and your lawyers have taken to avoid future infringements. Or prove the unreasonableness of the complaint.