If the seller violates the rules on the Amazon platform during the operation of the store, it may cause the account to be frozen (the seller cannot operate the funds in the account) or the store to be closed (the seller cannot perform related operations on the store’s products, such as the sales rights are deprived). Once the above situation occurs, the seller’s store will not be able to sell goods, resulting in huge losses. In order to enable sellers to avoid and properly handle store violations as much as possible.
Product violations refer to the seller’s products violating Amazon’s relevant rules, mainly including product quality violations and product description violations. The following is a detailed introduction to these two common product violations.
1. Product quality violations
Product quality violations refer to the quality packaging of the product, etc., which violate Amazon’s rules. The following introduces the causes, treatment methods and avoidance strategies of product quality violations.
(1) Reasons for product quality violations
In addition to the quality of the seller’s products, the seller may also receive old or damaged products due to some non-human and unpredictable factors during the sales process. For example, the product is fragile or the packaging material is of poor quality, which often causes the product to be damaged during transportation, leading to A-to-Z claims and negative reviews. For problems caused by product quality, the seller can first handle the product after-sales. If the seller and the buyer cannot reach a good solution, they will face complaints from the buyer. If the seller receives 2 to 3 formal complaints every month, the store may be closed.
(2) How to deal with product quality violations
If the seller has been suspected of product quality violations and has been punished by the Amazon platform, the seller can handle the situation by sending an email to Amazon. In the email, the seller should first indicate that he has investigated the reasons for the store being closed and recognized the problems that occurred in the process of operating the store. Then the seller should indicate that he has come up with some ways to ensure that violations will not occur in the future and propose specific solutions, such as assigning more quality management personnel and replacing better suppliers.
(3) Avoidance strategies for product quality violations
After the seller has handled the situation, he/she still needs to adopt certain strategies to avoid similar situations. The following are some avoidance strategies for product quality violations.
① Regularly check the status of fragile items in inventory.
② Familiarize yourself with the rules related to all categories and status of Amazon’s available products. If the seller is not sure whether the product complies with the rules, then do not publish the product at will.
③ Sellers should not immediately put products that have been removed from the shelves for sale unless Amazon has lifted the alarm and the seller has confirmed that the product violation has been resolved.
④ If the seller does not produce the product himself/herself, then before purchasing, he/she should ask the supplier for samples for testing to ensure that there will be no quality problems with the product.
⑤ Regardless of whether the FBA logistics model or the FBM logistics model is used, before shipping, the seller must take certain sealing measures for dusty products to ensure that the products do not appear old, such as putting them in plastic bags.
⑥ The seller should indicate the warranty period on the product and ensure that the buyer is aware of this before purchasing. For example, the seller can write relevant words in the five-point description.
⑦ The seller should check the status of the product repeatedly before shipping.