Wish Platform Refund Policy: For refunds due to failure to deliver orders to users

7.15 Merchants are responsible for 100% refunds for products returned to the shipper

If delivery fails and the logistics service provider returns the product to the shipper, the merchant is responsible for 100% refunds.

Merchants can appeal such refunds.

Understand the reason why the product was returned to the shipper

7.16 Merchants are responsible for 100% refunds for any refunds of low-rated products

For each product with a very low average rating, merchants will receive a corresponding violation notice. Merchants are responsible for 100% refunds for all orders of such products, including all orders in the future and traceable to the last payment.

Based on the average rating, products may be removed from Wish. For products with low average ratings that have not been removed, Wish will re-evaluate them regularly. If the product’s rating is no longer low, the merchant will no longer be responsible for 100% refunds under this policy.

Merchants cannot appeal such refunds.

7.17 Merchants are responsible for 100% of refunds due to failure to deliver orders to users

If the logistics tracking information of an order shows “delivered”, but the user has not received the goods, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the refund.

Merchants can appeal such refunds.

7.18 Merchants will be responsible for 100% of refunds if they use a logistics service provider that is not approved by Wish to deliver orders

Merchants are responsible for 100% of refunds if they use a logistics service provider that is not approved by Wish to deliver orders.

Merchants cannot appeal such refunds.

Understand the logistics service providers approved by the Wish platform

7.19 If the store’s refund rate is too high, the merchant will not be able to obtain the refund of the order

If the store’s refund rate is too high, the merchant will be responsible for 100% of all future refund orders. Once the store refund rate has improved and is no longer excessive, the merchant will be able to assume normal refund responsibilities according to the refund policy.

Merchants cannot appeal such refunds.

Learn more about the merchant’s two-tier high refund rate policy

7.20 Merchants are responsible for 100% refunds for orders for products reported as dangerous or illegal in certain countries/regions

Certain products are considered dangerous or illegal in certain countries/regions. If merchants list such products in these countries/regions, merchants will be responsible for 100% refunds for all orders from these specific countries/regions.

Due to the nature of these policy violations, merchants will not be able to appeal such refunds.

Learn more details about the Dangerous Products Refund Policy

View archived Refund Policy policies

Original details from wish merchant website:

7.15Merchant is responsible for 100% of any refund for items that are returned to sender

If delivery fails and the carrier returns the item to the sender, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of the refund.

Merchants are allowed to dispute these refunds.

Learn about why items are returned to the sender

7.16Merchant is responsible for 100% of any refund for products with low ratings

Merchants will receive an infraction for each product with an extremely low rating average. The merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of refunds for all orders for the product going forward and retroactively up to the last payment.

Depending on the average rating, products may be removed from Wish. Products that have a low average rating and are not removed from Wish are re-evaluated periodically. If the product is found to have a rating that is no longer low, then the merchant will no longer be responsible for 100% of refunds due to this policy.

Merchants are not allowed to dispute these refunds.

7.17Merchant is responsible for 100% of any refund for orders not delivered to the customer

If an order’s tracking information marks the order as “delivered”, but the customer did not receive the order, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of refunds.

Merchants are allowed to dispute these refunds.

7.18Merchant is responsible for 100% of any refund for orders shipped with unaccepted carriers

If an order is shipped with an unaccepted carrier, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of refunds.

Merchants are not allowed to dispute these refunds.

Learn which carriers are accepted on the Wish platform

7.19Merchant is ineligible to receive payments from refunded orders if the store has a high refund rate

If a merchant’s store has a high refund rate, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of refunds for all orders going forward. Once the store’s refund rate improves and is no longer high, the merchant will be responsible for refunds as per standards.

Merchants are not allowed to dispute these refunds.

Learn more about Merchant Two-Tier High Refund Policy

7.20Merchant is responsible for 100% of any refund for products that are reported as dangerous or illegal in certain countries

If a merchant lists products that are considered to be dangerous or illegal in a country in which the products are sold, the merchant is responsible for 100% of the cost of refunds for all orders from these specific countries.

Due to the nature of these policy violations, merchants may not dispute these refunds.

Learn more about Dangerous Product Refund Policy

View archived Refund Policy policies

Article content source: wish merchant official website