Tweet: A message posted by a Twitter user is collectively called a Tweet, which is less than 140 characters long. The content can be ordinary text information, and you can add pictures, videos, links, hashtags (#), and Mentions. Twitter has relaxed the character limit. The user name, photos, videos, and votes in the tweet will no longer be counted in the tweet character count, and will not affect the 140-character length limit. This makes tweets more flexible, and Twitter is more suitable for our account marketing and promotion.

Hashtag: refers to a label consisting of a “#” in front of a word phrase, usually used to express the central topic of the tweet. And when searching for the keyword “Twitter”, all messages containing “#Twitter” will be searched, which has a very good effect in creating topics and increasing keyword popularity. The use of “#” topics on domestic Weibo is the same.

Mention: refers to the user name followed by the “@” symbol, such as “@Xiao Ming”, and the user Xiao Ming will directly receive this message. It is commonly known as “At someone”, and is used when you want to get the other person’s special attention. If you send a message like this: “Today @B Follow me to have dinner”, then all followers will see this message in Timel. Suppose a message like this is sent: “@B Let’s go to dinner today” – it starts with the “@” symbol. Then, unless one of your followers also follows @B; otherwise, he will not see the message in Timecline. That is to say, the message is relatively private and is a discussion within the “small circle”.

Follow: refers to the action of following. After following a user, we can see the messages of the followed person in the Timeline of our own account homepage. Usually, clicking Follow under the other party’s username will automatically become the follower of the other party, which is commonly known as a fan.

Follower (Follower): refers to the person who is following the user. That is, the number of people who follow our account.Following: refers to the person the user is following.