What data tools or methods can help me determine which social platform is suitable for the category I am working on?
Answer: There are so many social platforms and websites in the world now. You can choose according to the following methods.
Method 1: Attribute differentiation method.
Global social websites can be divided into the following categories.
(1) Real-name system, social websites where people have strong relationships with their real identities. Representatives of this type of social website include Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatapps, VK, and WeChat in China.
(2) Social platforms such as youtube.com that focus on video content.
(3) Social platforms such as pinterest.cominstagram.com, polyvore.com, etc. that focus on picture content.
(4) Social platforms such as twitter.comblogger.com, etc. that focus on text.
(5) Another category is professional forums, such as 3C content forums such as http://lifehacker.com/
If your product is about emotional expression, you can give priority to social networking sites with strong relationships and real identities. If your product is about weak relationships among people and is more driven by content, topics, and questions, you can consider choosing social networking sites that are mainly content-based.
Method 2: Survey old customers.
(1) Ask repeat customers directly. This is the most direct and effective method. You can directly ask repeat customers which social networking sites and content platforms are most active through email or online chat tools such as WhatApps and Facebook Messager.
(2) Import the old customer data into the Facebook advertising background to determine how many of your old customers are also Facebook users.
There is a custom audience function in Facebook’s advertising system. You can import the customer contact information (telephone, email, address, zip code, etc.) provided by the platform into Facebook’s custom audience function to obtain the corresponding ratio data.