AliExpress strictly prohibits users from posting or selling products suspected of infringing third-party intellectual property rights without authorization. If you post or sell products suspected of infringing third-party intellectual property rights, you may be complained by the intellectual property rights owner or buyer. The platform will also randomly check the product information (including delisted products) and product group names. If there is suspected infringement, the information will be returned or deleted, and the platform will impose penalties based on the type of infringement.
(1) AliExpress will impose applicable penalties on the relevant sellers in accordance with relevant regulations based on the status of the infringing product complaint when it is accepted or the platform conducts random inspections.
(2) For all general violations on the same day, including all complaints that are established (the party complained against by a certain intellectual property right does not file a counter-notification within the prescribed period; or a counter-notification is filed but the counter-notification is not established) and AliExpress platform random inspections, the cumulative deduction shall not exceed 6 points.
(3) For all serious violations within three days, including all established complaints (the party complained against by a certain intellectual property right has not filed a counter-notification within the prescribed period; or has filed a counter-notification but the counter-notification is not established) and random inspections by the AliExpress platform, only one violation will be counted; three serious violations will result in the closure of the account, and the number of serious violations will be accumulated regardless of the type of infringement.
(4) Violation penalties include but are not limited to returning goods/information and/or deleting goods/information.
(5) Each violation is valid for 365 days from the date of the penalty.
(6) When the user’s infringement is particularly significant or extreme, AliExpress has the right to unilaterally terminate the AliExpress Merchant Service Agreement and Free Membership Agreement, directly close the user’s account and all accounts associated with the user as determined by AliExpress at its discretion, and/or take other measures that AliExpress deems appropriate at its discretion to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers or rights holders or the normal operation of the platform. In this case, in addition to directly closing the account, AliExpress has the right to freeze the funds in the user’s international Alipay account and AliExpress account from the date of account closure, including to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers or rights holders are protected when exercising their economic rights such as complaints, reports, and lawsuits.
(7) AliExpress reserves the final right of interpretation and decision on the above handling measures, and also reserves all rights related thereto.
(8) In the event of inconsistency, ambiguity or conflict between the Chinese and non-Chinese versions of these rules, the Chinese version shall prevail. The “particularly significant or extreme infringement” referred to in the above rules includes but is not limited to the following situations:
① The circumstances of the user’s infringement are particularly serious;
② The rights holder files a lawsuit or legal claim against AliExpress;
③ The user is sued by the rights holder for infringement and the case is filed by the judicial, law enforcement or administrative authorities;
④ In response to the requirements of the judicial, law enforcement or administrative authorities, AliExpress disposes of the account or takes other relevant measures;
⑤ Other circumstances that constitute serious infringement (such as circumvention by misplacing the category, using deformation, covering the trademark, diverting traffic, etc.).
AliExpress reserves the right of final interpretation and decision.