1. China Trademark Network

Step 1: Log in to China Trademark Network, the website is http://sbj.saic.gov.cn/, click “Trademark Search” in the title bar, and the “Trademark Search Instructions” will appear. After clicking “I Accept”, the relevant trademark search interface will appear.

Step 2: Click “Trademark Comprehensive Search” in the title bar to enter the trademark comprehensive search interface.

Take the “Wufangzhai” trademark registration as an example. Enter “Wufangzhai” in the trademark name column and click “Search”. 146 trademarks containing the word “Wufangzhai” will be found (the query time is June 5, 2019).

2. United States Trademark Office

Step 1: Log in to the United States Trademark Office website: http://www.uspto.gov/. Click “TESS” in the “Trademarks” drop-down menu to display the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) page.

Step 2: Click “Basic Word Mark Search (New User)” on the trademark electronic search system page to search for related trademarks.

Step 3: Enter the trademark registration number or serial number in the “Search Term” column.

III. EU Trademark

Step 1: Log in to the EU Intellectual Property Office website: https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/home?ld=ABRUSLPN, and click “cSearch plus”.

Step 2: Enter the English name of the trademark to be searched (or insert a picture to identify it) to search, eScarcb plus search interface.

IV. World Intellectual Property Organization

Step 1: Log in to the World Intellectual Property Organization website https://www.wipo.int/reference/en/branddb/, and click to enter the Global Brand Database (Access the Global Brand Database).

Step 2: Select the trademark name, trademark number, etc. in the search box on the interface that appears to search for the required trademark.

V. Hong Kong, China

Go to the Hong Kong, China trademark search website http://ipsearch.ipd.gov.hk/trademark/jsp/index.html, and search for trademarks directly in the search box (you can select the trademark number to search).