The word “brand” comes from the Old Norse word Brandr, which means “burning”, that is, the producer burns the seal to imprint on the product. Kotler defines brand in “Marketing” as: a set of specific characteristics, benefits and services that sellers provide to buyers for a long time. “Brand” in a broad sense is an intangible asset with economic value. It is a comprehensive reflection of the position of a certain position in people’s consciousness by expressing its differences in abstract, unique and recognizable mental concepts.
“Brand” in a narrow sense is a general term for an identification system that standardizes and regularizes the four aspects of ideas, behaviors, vision and hearing to make it unique, valuable, long-term and cognitive. We also call this system BIS (Brand Identity System). Marketing is ultimately to create a good brand image and firmly occupy the minds of consumers.
The definition of “brand” in a narrow sense mainly focuses on brand identification. A strong brand must have a full and distinctive BIS. After the BIS is planned scientifically and completely, the core value of the brand can be implemented and effectively connected with daily marketing activities, and the company’s marketing activities will have standards and directions. The brand identification system includes four aspects: concept, behavior, vision and hearing, but the most common is the Visual Identity System (VIS). E-commerce application scenarios are also particularly suitable for visual effects.