The eBay platform not only protects the rights of buyers, but also has a protection policy for sellers. If the negative reviews caused by the following situations affect the store, the platform will help the seller automatically adjust the delivery delay rate and delete the negative reviews, thereby eliminating the negative impact.

(1) The goods are shipped on time but do not arrive on time.

(2) The goods are delayed due to logistics interruption, site defects, natural disasters or bad weather.

(3) The buyer withdraws the auction bid or does not pay. If the buyer withdraws the auction bid and the transaction is cancelled, the platform will remove the relevant reviews. If the buyer does not pay and the seller opens and closes an unpaid dispute in accordance with the process, the platform will remove the buyer’s reviews and the negative reviews after the transaction is cancelled and refund the transaction fee.

(4) The buyer changes the order or makes additional requests. If the buyer requires changes other than the original products provided, the seller can cancel the order or ship under the original list. The platform will determine whether the change is caused by the buyer’s changes in demand based on the relevant information. If so, the platform will remove the reviews.

(5) Buyers have an abnormal or high rate of complaints or returns. For buyers who violate the eBay platform’s purchase practice policy, the platform will use certain methods to detect whether the buyer abuses the return process and prevent such buyers from returning goods. In some cases, eBay will take action to prevent such buyers from returning goods or making claims as soon as they begin to return or claim, and will also remove the buyer’s evaluation.

The above are some of the rules that sellers are most concerned about in practice. If you want to know more detailed rules, please refer to the “eBay Rules” section on the official eBay platform website.