Since many overseas customers are accustomed to using Google’s Gmail email, here we mainly explain some tips for sending promotional emails using Gmail. Whether the email is effectively delivered to the recipient’s mailbox and read is one of the important factors affecting whether the promotional email can achieve the sender’s purpose.

Google updated Gmail in 2013, which classified emails by sender and email content and added relevant social and promotional tags (tabs). This update aims to provide Gmail customers with a better email experience by automatically segmenting emails based on content and sender addresses.

Google has launched a better marketing experience for this feature, adding “annotations” to the promotional label. The most obvious improvement of this feature is that it allows emails to display the “Promotion” label, and allows the addition of “annotations” of the brand and product information of the promotional company. In other words, in addition to using email titles and preview text, marketers can also use annotations to add relevant promotional information, such as discounts, featured images, and event dates, all of which can be seen before subscribers open the email.