Cross-border sellers active on Amazon, the sales of products always affect their fragile nerves, and the Review star rating has an important impact on the sales of store products. Usually, with high-quality comments from buyers, the product star rating of the store is slightly improved, which may bring huge benefits to sellers. The following will share with Amazon sellers how to improve the store Review star rating?

First of all, if Amazon sellers want to increase sales, they must understand how the Amazon Review star rating is calculated. The most basic principle of Amazon Review star rating is to add positive and negative, and then weighted average according to the A9 algorithm to finally get the star number. Rational understanding!

1. The quality of the buyer of the Review.

In order to improve the quality of the buyer’s account, the Review affects the most important indicator of the star rating. Healthy buyer accounts and environmental Reviews left by shopping IPs will deservedly rank first. Sometimes you will find that even if there are some Reviews, you have clicked dozens of Helpful, but there will still be some Reviews. This is the importance of the quality of the buyer’s account and real purchases.

2. Whether there is a VP mark.

VP (Verified Purchase) reviews are the most authentic reviews left by Amazon buyers after purchasing products. Therefore, the reviews of these buyers will be more credible, more persuasive, and have a high weight, so VP reviews are often ranked first. Reviews with VP marks (i.e. direct reviews) no longer have any weight.

3. How long the review is retained.

That is, how long the review is retained will directly affect the weight of the review. As we all know, Amazon will delete reviews regularly, especially before the two peak seasons each year. Whether the review is fake or real, it may be deleted. Therefore, if the seller wants the review to be saved for a long time, it must be recognized as a high-quality review by the A9 algorithm. The weight of such a review may be greater than the 10 five-star reviews you have brushed by the machine.

4. The number of review likes.

A review is clicked and praised by many people. This is an important theoretical source for the service provider’s homepage without negative reviews. If the other weights of two reviews are basically equal, the one with more likes will definitely be ranked first, but if the review has a purchased account, a purchased environment, a VP logo and other essential differences in the past two days, no matter how the seller clicks Helpful, the ranking will not rise.

5. Review word count and content.

Amazon has introduced the A9 artificial intelligence system into the algorithm, which can detect fake reviews on the one hand and help review star rating on the other hand. Therefore, those reviews that tend to leave reviews naturally, have a good number of words and quality, will inevitably have some advantages in star ratings. In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the star rating is given in the form of evaluation or rating, as well as the buyer’s account ranking or vine program identity (it is said that there is such a possibility), and the influence of other factors.

The above is about the Amazon Review Star Rating Algorithm and the strategy for obtaining good reviews. I hope it will be helpful for sellers to open stores. Lianlian Cross-border Payment always pays attention to every little thing of sellers, and will also bring articles on related aspects in future articles to help sellers operate better.