Amazon is a platform that protects originality and respects intellectual property rights, and has zero tolerance for sellers’ infringements. Once a seller is found to have infringed, the listing may be removed if the case is minor; if the case is serious, the store will be blocked. Therefore, Amazon sellers should pay attention to avoiding infringement issues to avoid risks to their account operations.
Types of infringement on the Amazon platform
Intellectual property, also known as “knowledge ownership”, refers to the personal rights and property rights enjoyed by the right holder over the intellectual labor results created by him, which are generally only valid for a limited time period. Various intellectual creations such as inventions, literary and artistic works, logos, names, images and designs used in business can be considered as intellectual property owned by a certain person or organization.
In general, commodity intellectual property rights include copyright, trademark rights, invention patents, and design patents. The so-called infringement, as the name suggests, is the infringement of the above-mentioned commodity intellectual property rights.
Commodities that are prone to infringement
Commodities that are prone to infringement are all popular on Amazon. Of course, in addition to the products listed here, there are certainly other products that are prone to infringement, so sellers should try to be careful to avoid them.