“Title”: Title. You need to fill in the elements related to the product (such as brand, product description, product series or model, material or main ingredients, color, size, quantity, etc.). Amazon stipulates that the title cannot exceed 200 characters. It should be short and concise, and avoid stacking and overlapping. At the same time, try not to use abbreviations that buyers cannot understand, and do not use Chinese-style English spellings. Otherwise, it will not pass the review and will easily affect the buyer’s purchasing experience.
“Manufacturer”: Manufacturer. The manufacturer name must be filled in. If there is no manufacturer name, fill in the brand name.
“Brand”: Brand. Fill in the brand when uploading the product, and it can exist in the front-end as a brand classification. If the same product is filled in with the same brand name, then the buyer can search for all products of this brand on the front-end. Therefore, the seller needs to fill in the brand name correctly to facilitate the buyer’s search.
“Product ID”: Product ID. Amazon stipulates that a UPC code must be available to upload products. One UPC code corresponds to one product. To prevent risks, sellers are advised to purchase UPC codes through formal channels (UPC codes are required for North American sites, and EAN codes are required for European sites).