Seller Rating
Seller Rating is an overall score given by buyers based on the quality of service provided by the seller. It can help sellers find defects in their own services and improve their customer service quality. Click the “Seller Rating” tab on the “Customer Satisfaction” page to view your seller rating.
Seller Rating scores range from 0 to 100, and its values are divided into 4 levels.
The evaluation standard of Seller Rating is the order quality score, that is, the average of the gain and loss scores of all orders in a year. The calculation formula is:
The sum of the gain and loss scores of all orders in the last year ÷ all orders in the last year = average
The average value calculated according to this formula is the Seller Rating. The performance of the seller account can be judged according to the range of the average.
1. The situation where the order is deducted
In Selling Rating, the most important thing is the gain and loss score of the order. If there are no problems with an order from the beginning to the end, this order is a perfect order and can get 100 points. However, if there are problems in some links of the order, points will be deducted.
Different factors have different impacts on the order quality score. According to the influencing factors.
If there are multiple problems in an order, the score of the order will only calculate the most important factor.
2. Situations where orders are awarded extra points
If an order truly provides customers with an excellent service, then this order can get an extra 10 points on the basis of the perfect order 100 points. However, in order for an order to win extra points, several conditions must be met, and none of them can be missing.
Buyer Feedback
Click the “Customer Feedback” tab on the “Customer Satisfaction” page to view the buyer’s feedback on the order, reflecting the evaluation of each level for 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, and the account has accumulated over time.
Buyers can submit a feedback message for each order. According to the 5-star rating system, the buyer’s feedback information is divided into the following 3 levels.
The calculation method of the buyer’s feedback score is:
Buyer feedback score = good review / medium review / total ÷ total number of reviews
In the formula, the total number of reviews is calculated based on the last 30 days, 90 days, 365 days or all the time.
It should be noted here that the final calculation result of the buyer’s feedback score is rounded to an integer, so if all the ratings are added together, the final result will be less than 100%.