Q: Can I follow others to sell their products that they have shipped with FBA?

A: If there is no infringement, you can follow.

Q: What does Test Buy mean?

A: If a seller follows your product and you have also registered your brand on the Amazon platform, you can buy the seller’s products and use them as evidence. This is a Test Buy and can be submitted to Amazon to file a brand infringement complaint.

Q: When doing a Test Buy to buy a product, will the other party find out if I use a Chinese buyer’s account to buy it?

A: Generally, I use a foreign account to buy it.

Q: I adjusted the price of the product shipped with FBA too low, resulting in no gold shopping cart. What should I do? Should I change it back to the original price?

A: As long as the price is not changed significantly, it will not affect the gold shopping cart.

Q: The gold shopping cart of my product on the US site disappeared inexplicably, and then came back inexplicably. My gold shopping cart ownership rate is around 97%. I don’t understand which indicators may affect this value. What is the basis for calculating the gold shopping cart ownership rate? I can’t find that my product is copied by others, but there is a missing rate in the gold shopping cart. What should I do? This product is ours, and it is impossible for others to sell it. There are similar products. Copying does not mean that the products have to be exactly the same. We have also registered the brand.

A: Amazon will use its own set of mechanisms to determine the ownership of the gold shopping cart. Comprehensive factors include product price, whether to send FBA, conversion rate, account performance, etc. And Amazon’s set of judgment criteria will not be disclosed to the outside.

Q: I have modified the title and brand, but it still shows that it has not been modified on the front desk. There is a line of words “available from these sellers” under the brand. Click this to enter the page and you can see the title and brand after I modified it. Why don’t the modified title and brand appear on the front page? I have to click “available from thesesellers” to enter another page to see them?

A: Because your product does not have a gold shopping cart, so this happens. If you find a product with a gold shopping cart, it should not be like this.