Amazon’s Opportunity Detector has been in use for months, but few sellers know about it. Even if some sellers have been granted access, most sellers have not made full use of it due to the complexity and difficulty in understanding the data. However, this mysterious feature does play a huge role in product selection. If used wisely, the data information of the Opportunity Detector outperforms third-party product selection tools and has a huge guiding role in product selection decisions.

The best way to find business opportunities

1. Personalized market recommendations

The Opportunity Detector recommends similar product segments based on the seller’s sales history, thereby reducing the time cost required to research different segments.

2. Detailed screening results

Using the “Filter Results” function of the Opportunity Detector, you can more accurately find and identify the products you really need and get more specific search results. You can filter based on multiple dimensions such as search volume, percentage change in search volume, units sold, total number of products, average price, etc.

3. Avoid markets with intense competition

The business opportunity detector not only allows you to understand the segmented products of each brand, but also discovers the degree of monopoly in the market, helps avoid highly monopolistic markets, and improves the accuracy and guidance of product selection.

4. Detailed data analysis

The business opportunity detector can not only help you find products with high demand, low competition, and low entry barriers, but also provide product-related data such as search volume and percentage change in search volume, effectively improving data analysis and product selection skills.

Optimize the use of business opportunity detectors

To improve the data analysis and product selection skills of business opportunity detectors, it is necessary to fully explore the following 6 representative data:

Different accounts have different recommended results: The business opportunity detector recommends similar product segments in a personalized manner based on the sales history of the account.

Use the filter result function: By filtering the results, you can get more accurate search results, which can be filtered according to multiple dimensions such as search volume, number of goods sold, price, etc.

Avoid brand monopoly markets: Through the insight page of the business opportunity detector, you can understand relevant brand data and avoid entering the competition in the brand market.

It is not the case that the larger the “search volume” and “number of goods sold”, the better: Niche markets are also business opportunities. The larger the number of sales, the more intense the competition. It is crucial to choose the right market.

Avoid monopoly markets: Pay attention to click statistics and judge the degree of competition in the product market to avoid monopoly markets.

Use search terms to expand PPC advertising terms: Use the search term page of the business opportunity detector to find and filter keywords suitable for PPC advertising.

Expand the application of business opportunity detectors

Although the business opportunity detector has greatly improved the scientificity and guidance of product selection, there is still room for optimization. For example, issues such as data export and data timeliness need to be correctly developed and used to help sellers understand the data and improve the accuracy of selection. In the use of business opportunity detectors, it is very necessary to consider the improvement of data export, timeliness and other issues.

The business opportunity detector is a powerful tool for sellers, but the difficulty lies in the interpretation and use of data. Carefully studying this valuable resource and turning it into wise product selection decisions can enable sellers to stand out in a highly competitive market.

The Opportunity Detector is a tool with great potential. It provides sellers with a lot of data support and product selection guidance. To make full use of the Opportunity Detector, sellers need to deeply understand its characteristics and data meanings to formulate optimized product selection strategies, so as to truly transform this tool into a tool for business opportunities and sales growth.